
Our Services


GBox offers consulting in electronics construction

We have more than 30 years of expertise in electronics design, schematic drawing, simulation, PCB layout, FPGA programming and product verification. Our experience covers developing designs from fA analog circuitry (that’s femto amperes!) to MultiGigabit digital transmission lines. Multilayer high-speed digital boards with tight impedance control and length matching are normal day-to-day projects for us.

We can offer full product development or specific tasks depending on your needs.

  • Specification documentation (system, project or board level)
    Implementation documentation (system, project or board level)
  • Schematic drawing
  • Circuit simulation
  • FPGA programming (VHDL)
  • PCB layout
  • 3D layout modelling
  • Board thermal simulation
  • Manufacturing output (Gerber, ODB++, IPC-2581)
  • Manufacturing documentation
  • Test system development

If needed, we can also take care of the production of a product with a contract manufacturer and deliver a fully tested product.

We will deliver the perfect solution.

One commonly forgotten but critical task is design review. We systematically check our designs as part of our design process and we can also accomodate external review of our designs. A review performed by someone not involved in the design guarantees an unbiased and objective review.
External review is an optional service.